Friday 19 April 2019

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland #1) by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - 4.5 Stars


What's at the bottom of the rabbit hole? Wonder! Adventure! Confusion! Cake! Join Alice as she tumbles into a strange world where curious things are normal, and normal things are ...curiouser! Oxford Children's Classics present not only the original and unabridged stories of Alice in Wonderland in one beautiful new edition, but also help you to discover a whole world of new adventures with an amazing assortment of recommendations and activities. 


This was an blast from the past. I forgot how strange and unique the tales of Alice really were. I have not read these stories in many years. But I am glad that I decided to go down the rabbit hole again. 

O.W.L.s Update - These completed my History of Magic OWL.

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